Other vintage telephones

If you are looking for a stylish vintage phone you can cast your net wider than those on offer by the GPO. The telephone was seen as a modern means of communication and a great deal of design effort went into contemporary looking telephones, both in Europe and the US.

Western Electric 500 series phone

Western Electric Model 500

If you are looking for something a bit different, how about the phone Don Draper used in the American TV series, Mad Men? The Americans were well ahead of the UK in the 50s and produced a new phone for the modern era in 1951. The Western Electric 500 has impeccable design credentials: it came from the office of Henry Dreyfuss.

Read more: Western Electric Model 500

Siemens Centenary Neophone

Siemens Centenary Neophone

The UK Siemens Company, perhaps hoping to repeat the success of the original Neophone from 1929, designed this lovely contemporary phone in 1957. It was never adopted by the GPO, but was used in private installations in the UK, as well as finding markets abroad.

Read more: Siemens Centenary Neophone

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