Convert amounts in shillings to pounds
One shilling was 12 old pence or 12d. In the UK's decimal system it is worth 5p.
How do you convert shillings to pounds?
Multiply the amount in shillings by 0.05 to get an amount in pounds.
Eg 30 shillings = 0.05 x 30 = £1.50
Or use the calculator below:
Input a value in shillings to get a value in pounds.
Or use the table below:
- 1 shilling is 5p
- 2 shillings are 10p
- 3 shillings are 15p
- 5 shillings are 25p
- 10 shillings are 50p
- 20 shillings are £1
- 30 shillings are £1.50
- 40 shillings are £2
- 50 shillings are £2.50
- 100 shillings are £5
- 1,000 shillings are £50
- 10,000 shillings are £500
- 100,000 shillings are £5,000
- One million shillings are £50,000
See also
Convert online:
For a more detailed explanation see How do I convert £sd to decimal?
By Steven Braggs, March 2021